Fall Travels
Ok. So these posts are going to be a little outdated. What can I say? I've been negligent. I'm sorry. I've had no time to post and nothing remotely revolutionary or enlightening to report. Instead of boring you with the personal drama - hating my work life, feeling trapped, done with city living, stressed out, bla bla bla, I'll share with you, my friends and random strangers, some highlights of our fall adventures.
First stop, Rochester, NY. Car rental. Car rental upgrade! A very very long drive up almost up to lake Ontario! Hold on. I have to take myself back 3 weeks... Well, with my horrible short term memory, I'm not sure how accurately I'll be able to recount any of this. Thank god for cameras. Really. I think that if it wasn't for pictures, I'd still be fighting with my sisters about what really happened the week of the Ice Storm in Montreal back in '96 or was it '97. Come on, who cares? (for the record, it was '98)
Anyways, back to the road trip. The leaves were beautiful. Yellow/green. Still early in the season.
The wedding was lovely and it was so nice to see so many friends. Rochester was fun. We took a tour of downtown. Some of the more upscale joints. As a certain Goldstein pointed out, "like St. Catherine Street with less strip clubs". And don't think he didn't do a very thorough search of the yellow pages. Enjoy some of the sights:
so that is the arm of the way-to-cool-to-actually-serve-you-or-even-give-you-water waitress we walked out on in a sort of cute outdoor cafe where the sunlight was so directly blinding I had to cover my seatmate's head with a menu, turned visor.
I think this one needs no explanation. We missed the Saturday afternoon BBQ but from what I hear, Rochester is a major dog town. The kind in casing, not on leashes.
And finally... this one is for Goldstein.