We just got back from 5 days of Minnesota fun. and when I say fun, I am serious. Though we were in Minneapolis to visit family, we made an effort to get our asses out of the house and into the car, off to visit as many interesting sights and sounds as we could fit in.
Minneapolis, for those who have never visited, is a very dynamic and colorful city. That is unless it is totally hidden away under 10 ft of snow. Like Montreal, the people, sounds and colors all emerge in the spring and summer months. We had lovely summer weather which gave us plenty of reasons to be outside in the lakes, pools and parks.

Here is a house, the art house on 50th St. and Penn St. We have driven by it many times in the car and this time I had my little camera ready to document the details!! Apparently, the lady who lives in it constantly gets hassled to repaint the house as it is an 'eyesore' and 'doesn't match' the rest of the houses on the street. I say, "bring on that pink paint, sister!"

The houses in and around the lakes are just beautiful. We drove around Lake Harriet and Lake Calhoun (just 2 of the 10,000), admiring the grand and sprawling estates with amazing landscaping and ancient trees. then thought longingly of our 1 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn and our sprawling herb garden, on the fire escape.
The city houses are also sight worthy: painted in brilliant colors and very funky personal style...