Friday, September 1, 2006

Wish you were here...

It takes a really long week to make you think about vacation again. Sad that this is the last official holiday of the summer and sadder still to look outside and see the clouds still hovering menacingly over the city. I thought I'd give you a beautiful sunset with which to end your work week and with which to usher in the long weekend.

The first picure was taken on the rocky beach in Yaffo. The sunset was in Tel Aviv. The sun litterally fell into the blue water and disapeared only seconds later.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Chuckie? Chess? is that you!??

I found this collection of cat food cans to be really funny. even funnier if you have ever been over and met Chuckie, Chess. or is it Felix?

I thought I'd take this oportunity to share with you all a little story about Chuckie/Chess. not long ago, my dear friend Gretchen a very very smart chick, once said to me: "So that one is Chuckie, but where is Chess?" Good question! Though his given name is actually Chess, I don't care much for that name. I think he is more of a Chuckie. That clearly confuses some people. He is a cat dealing with imposed schizophrenia. very complicated. Call him what you will. My father calls him Arthur.

Israel: food

So I know that I've been posting pictures and accompanying them with virtually no text or narrative. I think that's ok. The pictures are stories in and of themselves.

So it has taken a very long time to get my mind out from under the parasol of vacation. We sorted through about 400 pictures (thank god for the 1gb memory card!) and are slowly building the story of our 2 weeks in Israel.

For those of you who have been, you know how important the food is to the experience. For those of you who are lactosely challenged, I really feel for you. The pictures below (with one exception) should help to awaken your taste-buds and your olfactory sense...